Well Well Well, DD Picks me Up at 6:30 sharp. Stroosma, DD's Daughter Lexi, Her Son Dylan, Her Boyfriend Stephen, his daughter Charlotte, Our friend Sean, And Our Friend Amy, All Pile Up into two cars. None of us have any idea of where we are going. The drive is crazy, everyone was yelling at DD to tell them where we were headed. I Myself, Did not care. Then We Get onto Knott drive, And She tells Us that We are going to Knott's scary farm. I hate knott's scary farm. I was scared out of my mind. I have a big fear of people in masks. I couldn't believe that DD would do that to me!! I was so worried of what was to come. I mean it was 6, and we had to be there until like one in the morning. That's so much time to be scared in! I cried. I did. I was not looking forward to this adventure. But Stroosma made me feel better. His Dutch boy laugh and handsome charms helped calm me down. Anyways, We get in the park, and I get scared by one of the monsters that Slide in front of you. oh god, that scared the crap out of me. fhdjsfdkslahfjdkasfsfljklfdsjaklfds;... to cut the night short, I got home at 1:20 am. Before I left, My dad(papa Corey) was Very sick and complaining of a gnarly head ache. He looked so sad. I felt Bad. I'm going to Include pictures of him snuggling on the ground with the animals.. Also, Before I left, He was making a Little target on a shoe box that he planned to shoot with his BB gun, I thought that Was cute. He never uses the BB gun any more.