Woah, This Is My Week's Schedule:
Meow Twins practice
Doctor's Appt.
Waves Practice
Meow Twins Practice
The Waves + Meow Twins have A Show
Monday, October 26, 2009
Some Good Lovin

So, This Weekend, was Terrible.
Apart from hanging out With A lion, that was Fun.
I was just sick, about 3 weeks ago, and here I am... Super Duper sick, I can't do anything.
I hate being sick. I'm so mad that I'm sick again. I want To Punch my self in the face, in hopes of unclogging my nose. Punch punch.
After Meow twins practice today, I was driving home, And The song, "Little Motel" By Modest Mouse, came Up. and It Made me feel nice. Like everything was going to be okay, ya know?
that Feeling only comes once in a while. And when it does come, It's Terrific. I looked up at the sunset and it looked like the Jonathan Richman Album, Not So much to be loved, as to love.
Friday, October 23, 2009
Pan's Labyrinth.

Ever since candra went blind, we've been trying to figure out a solution to her illness. Then Pan's Labyrinth came out.
The Idea Behind It, Was to Put eyeballs into your hands, and put your hands over your eyes, and you would automatically be able to see again.
With candra, we took the cheap way out, But, she can see again!
The Blow Up Room
Thursday, October 22, 2009
Romantic Dinners.

La Strada Is The New Place To be,
Everyone's talking about it.
The La Strada waitresses made a pin up girl calendar, and They are selling them for 20 bucks, and giving the money to help kids with cancer. so kind. Anyways, La strada Is where Corey takes candra And I for romantic dinners. The food is Outstanding, This place is deff deff worth checking out. Once candra and I get our Scooter, we plan to ride it there every night. I love romantic dinners. Once you get home, you always end up having sex. It's great. Candra And I do it all the time.

Well Well Well, DD Picks me Up at 6:30 sharp. Stroosma, DD's Daughter Lexi, Her Son Dylan, Her Boyfriend Stephen, his daughter Charlotte, Our friend Sean, And Our Friend Amy, All Pile Up into two cars. None of us have any idea of where we are going. The drive is crazy, everyone was yelling at DD to tell them where we were headed. I Myself, Did not care. Then We Get onto Knott drive, And She tells Us that We are going to Knott's scary farm. I hate knott's scary farm. I was scared out of my mind. I have a big fear of people in masks. I couldn't believe that DD would do that to me!! I was so worried of what was to come. I mean it was 6, and we had to be there until like one in the morning. That's so much time to be scared in! I cried. I did. I was not looking forward to this adventure. But Stroosma made me feel better. His Dutch boy laugh and handsome charms helped calm me down. Anyways, We get in the park, and I get scared by one of the monsters that Slide in front of you. oh god, that scared the crap out of me. fhdjsfdkslahfjdkasfsfljklfdsjaklfds;... to cut the night short, I got home at 1:20 am. Before I left, My dad(papa Corey) was Very sick and complaining of a gnarly head ache. He looked so sad. I felt Bad. I'm going to Include pictures of him snuggling on the ground with the animals.. Also, Before I left, He was making a Little target on a shoe box that he planned to shoot with his BB gun, I thought that Was cute. He never uses the BB gun any more.
Wednesday, October 21, 2009
Black Power.

The Other Day, I was Riding With Candra, And My New Friend Senay, Who Is one of the Blackest men you will ever meet. He's An Excellent Rapper, So Candra Him An I are Starting A group Called, "Two White girls, and A black Guy." Anyways, So We are driving To It's A grind... And Senay Is In the back Seat, With His Window Down And his Hand out Of the Window, And We drive by this group of White girls, with one black guy walking with them, And I noticed that The black guy nodded and smiled at Senay. I wondered if it was a, "Hey, You're with a bunch of White girls, And So Am I, yes!" Kind of look, Or a, "You're Black, I'm Black.. Right On Brotha." Kind of look. It's beyond me. Because I don't go around Nodding at girls, just because they're white..
But I would Nod if I came Upon one white girl, with like 5 Black guys. But. unfortunately.. I've never seen such a thing. I wonder if such a thing even exists?
Secret Invites.

Lily Speaking, So.. My Good Friend DD, Who Is An English Teacher At Millikan High School, Told Me That I would Be With Her from 6:30, to Midnight, This Wednesday. When I Asked her What It Was We were going to be doing, She Simply told me, "Secret!". I Spent All Week Trying To Not let It bother me. It was hard. Then, Last night, I saw that I had A new voicemail on my phone. I checked it. It was from DD, asking me to burn her a Nightmare Before Christmas CD, Because She wanted to listen to it. I found that odd. So I began making connections with Nightmare Before Christmas, To things that we could possibly do. Then It hit me. Maybe We we're going To The El Capitan Theater! We always Used to go there. So I decided to look it up online, and Sure enough.. The nightmare before Christmas Is Playing In 3D at The El Capitan. So.. here I am Thinking That I've got it all figured out. When DD tells Me today, That What We are doing is Something that she's never done before.. And I know that DD's seen NBC in 3D before.. So I had to check My Hunch off of my mental list. She also Added That I should wear comfy clothes, but still wear Warm clothes. And That we were going to be running around, and That I Might Go Home With Some bruises. So Here I am... With no Idea Of What I agreed to take part of... Please Help.
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