Lily Speaking, So.. My Good Friend DD, Who Is An English Teacher At Millikan High School, Told Me That I would Be With Her from 6:30, to Midnight, This Wednesday. When I Asked her What It Was We were going to be doing, She Simply told me, "Secret!". I Spent All Week Trying To Not let It bother me. It was hard. Then, Last night, I saw that I had A new voicemail on my phone. I checked it. It was from DD, asking me to burn her a Nightmare Before Christmas CD, Because She wanted to listen to it. I found that odd. So I began making connections with Nightmare Before Christmas, To things that we could possibly do. Then It hit me. Maybe We we're going To The El Capitan Theater! We always Used to go there. So I decided to look it up online, and Sure enough.. The nightmare before Christmas Is Playing In 3D at The El Capitan. So.. here I am Thinking That I've got it all figured out. When DD tells Me today, That What We are doing is Something that she's never done before.. And I know that DD's seen NBC in 3D before.. So I had to check My Hunch off of my mental list. She also Added That I should wear comfy clothes, but still wear Warm clothes. And That we were going to be running around, and That I Might Go Home With Some bruises. So Here I am... With no Idea Of What I agreed to take part of... Please Help.
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